While a lanyard is usually used as a strap to hold onto something this one was made to distinguish one gym bag from another. My son is starting Middle School and was concerned that his bag looked like everyone elses and he or someone else might grab the wrong bag. The solution, a brightly colored Ladder Strap tied around the handle of the bag. This same idea could be used for many other things to identify yours from others. Think about picking up your bags at the airport, wouldn't it be eaiser if your bag had a bright strap on it somewhere! The design takes about 6 feet of paracord and can be learned quickly by watching the video at
Tying It All Together. The two hanging ends of the cords are finished off with
Celtic Button Knots and the attaching ends are tied in an overhand knot around the strap on the Gym Bag. A simple solution to ease one of the worries about starting Middle School.
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